Domino is a game where players place dominoes on the table. Each domino has a number displayed on one end. As each player takes their turn they try to play a domino adjacent to the other dominoes on the table so that the numbers are either identical or form a certain total. The game continues until no more dominoes can be played or a single player wins by playing all their dominoes.
In addition to being a fun game, domino can also be used as a tool for learning about science and mathematics. For example, when the first domino is tipped over, the potential energy it had as a solid object converts into the kinetic energy that causes the next domino to tip over and so on. This is what gives rise to the phrase, the domino effect.
Dominoes can be arranged in many ways to make designs and create patterns. They can be set up in straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures or 3D structures like towers and pyramids. There are even domino art contests where people can use dominoes to create beautiful sculptures.
The game was originally developed in the 18th century in Italy and France. It was then introduced to England toward the end of the same period by French prisoners. The word domino originally denoted a long hooded cloak worn with a mask during carnival season or at a masquerade. It may have also referred to a cape worn by a priest over his surplice.
In the Domino Effect article we talked about the fact that once a person begins to do something, it is easy for them to stick with it. This is because once you make a small commitment, it is easy to continue with that behavior and build upon it. For example, when Jennifer Dukes Lee began making her bed each day, she made a tiny commitment that helped her believe that she was the type of person who kept her home clean. This led to her continuing the habit and incorporating it into other parts of her life.
Leadership is another area where the domino effect can be seen in action. If you are a manager who has a high turnover rate, you can use the domino effect to change the culture in your company. This requires changing the way you treat employees and providing training that will increase employee engagement.
When it comes to writing, the domino effect can be seen in the way that the scenes in your story connect to each other. If you write by the seat of your pants and don’t use tools like outlines or Scrivener to plot out the order of your scenes, you might end up with scenes that don’t connect well to each other or that add little to the overall story.
When you use the Domino Effect in your writing, you can be more flexible with the direction of your scene and with the way you handle character arcs. This kind of flexibility allows you to more closely follow the voice of your story and reach the right readers for your work.