Wonders of the Domino Effect
Dominoes are small rectangular blocks with two groups of dots, or pips, on one side. They are used to play a variety of games. They are also used for teaching math skills. The most popular game is called double-sixes, but there are many others. Some people like to line them up in long rows and then knock them over.
The domino effect is that one event causes another to occur, usually in a chain reaction. It’s the reason you can knock over a whole set of dominoes with just one little nudge. Admiral William H. McRaven once said, “You must be the change you want to see in the world.” He meant that just a single action can create waves that affect the entire system.
When Hevesh makes a domino display, she starts with the biggest 3-D sections first. She tests out each section separately to make sure it works before putting them all together. Then she adds flat arrangements and lines of dominoes to complete the display. This process allows her to refine the design and correct any mistakes before they are put into production.
If she puts them in the wrong order, they won’t work the way she wants them to. If she doesn’t use this technique, she may end up with a set of dominoes that doesn’t flow well or create enough drama. This is one of the main things that I try to teach my book editing clients.
Whether they are pantsers or plotters, writers who don’t prepare outlines of their manuscript ahead of time will still run into problems. They will have scenes that don’t fit into the story, or they won’t have enough of a logical impact on the scene ahead of them. This will weaken the momentum of their novel.
For instance, if a character uncovers an important clue in one scene but the next scene doesn’t build on that information, the reader will lose interest. Similarly, if your character does something that is completely out of character, it will throw off the continuity and tone of your novel. In order to keep your readers engaged, you must get all your scene dominoes in a row! Using the domino effect as your guide will help you to do just that. Interested in more Wonders of the Day? Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!